Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who said growing up was easy?

Recently, my dear Cheeleng hv been rather VERY depressed with her horrid timetable.. She had what I dreaded last sem, 3 hr breaks twice a wk and no GEMS at all!! Sighss...

I mean sometimes being an anti-social, cooped up in the lib with romance novels or viwawa can be a nice break away frm study monotony but then again, 3 hrs of i-hv-nothing-better-to-do can just leave u tempted to go hm and skip the rest of the day. And it doesn't take a genius to know only bad students do tt. :(

So when we were having steamboat dinner Tiong Bahru aft BuyBack duty today, I tried to recall how I lived through a rather rough patch just mths ago.. It wasn't pleasant, it wasn't happy, it wasn't something I would like to rmbr. But nevertheless, I think it was an amazing stepping stone towards growing up. And I swear this is not just mere positive thinking.

So babe, life isn't always a bed of roses. Only 15 more wks to go and its bye-bye SP so hang in there and we will move on to uni soon. Be strong and do try to attend classes yeah? Heeee.

Oh ya, if you still think your 3 hr breaks are nightmarish, I know a friend with one 4 hr and one 5 hr.. So rmbr, when you feel sorry for yourself, there will always be someone else who hv it much worse. :)


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